Continental Divide Ride
July 22, 2009

Our route for today is here.

Our cumulative route is here.

    “I can’t @!#$ believe it!”

                    Ron, when a car comes down the gravel road just after getting his pants down good.

    “Is this the ninth circle of hell?” Meredith said as we rolled down the main street in Breckenridge, CO, while following a hummer that looked like somebody really wanted to be seen. 

    Come to think of it, that’s how everybody in the town of Breckenridge looked.  Like Steamboat Springs, this town was all about the look.  And it was obvious that Meredith and I didn’t have “it.” 

    So, we left town.

    Earlier in the day we left Bob’s Western Motel in Kremmling, CO and immediately  got back on smooth gravel and in green,
rolling mountains with larger, jagged,  snowcapped peaks in the background.

    South of Kremmling, we began climbing and soon made the summit of Ute Pass, at a little over 9,500 feet above sea level, relatively low in Colorado terms.

    We descended to Colorado Highway 9 and turned south to meet Interstate 70.  Thankfully, we were only crossing it.  We followed Highway 9 into Breckenridge. 

    I had been to Breckenridge, 19 years ago on a ski trip.  When we arrived in town then, it was 27 degrees below zero and during the next week, the temperature was only above zero one time, day or night.

Thankfully, the temps today were eighty degrees warmer.  The town was pretty much as I remember it, way way too touristy and we were able to slip through without slowing down much.

    We turned onto a side road and were soon climbing to Boreas Pass.  Town melted away quickly and it was back to gravel and scenery.

    At 11,481 feet, this pass is the highest we’ve encountered so far.  It was beautiful.

We descended the backside of the pass and were then in open range land surrounded by high peaks.

    It was here that we deviated from the Continental Divide Trail.  We turned west and ended the day in Buena Vista, CO.  We’re going to meet my parents with Doug and Tammy in Lake City, CO on Friday and spend several days there riding and enjoying the high climes.

    We’ll pick up the trail after that. 

    Tomorrow we will rest in Buena Vista and go to Lake City on Friday.  Our next update will be then.  See y’all down the trail.


                                                 July 22-23